Hi dear MicroVolters,
This is David again from NQ Games.
Thank you all for your precious feedbacks =)
I got another message from our Producer of MicroVolt development team, "Shin".
Here we go again~!
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Hi MicroVolters,
As I have introduced myself before, my name is Shin, the producer of NQ Games development team.
Here is another notification continued from the last post.
It’s amazing to see your explosive replies.
Such good responses?!
Thank you “Alga”, for your help in showing the image files.
I will not answer sensitive issues in this post, but don’t get me wrong, I will do my best to make MV the better game than it is now.
In the previous post, I notified you of the contents that were already opened to the public, but this post is written to introduce things that are coming in near future.
Therefore I am writing the second post.
Information on next week’s updates~~^^
New Map) Rockband club room
There are 3 maps from a single theme, each of them suitable for certain mode, FFA, TDM, and SAB. You will have one of them in the next week, two others coming in the next months as soon as our internal tests are finished.
You have to make a good use of the Jump pads and terrain features!
Hyper packages coming after Military packages.
New compositions! like 3 weapons for military packages, but Hyper package consists of 3 weapons and they are bazooka, Gatling, and grenade launcher. The Hyper packages are invented to provide you new ways of enjoying the game. These weapons will be useful if you make good use of them, but if you don’t, they will not so good.
Bazooka – fires accelerated rockets. The farther it goes, the faster it gets.
Gatling – takes longer to warm up, but domore damages with fabulous sound effects, which makes this weapon more attractive.
Grenade launcher – Remote controlled grenade launcher which allows you to detonate the fired grenade by right clicking your mouse.
Maximum coin possession changed from 3 -> 5
We increased the maximum number of coin possession from 3 because 3rd reward of consecutive login rewards will give you 3 coins.
Stats added for Naomi
This may be a big issue. After the release of Simon, players have been saying “why does only Simon have bonus stats? You are trying to make it pay 2 win?” However, we will prove that it was not our intention by giving different bonus stats for each character, distinguishing the purpose of each.
Stats to be added for Naomi are as follows:
Speed +5%
Rifle damage +7%
When will new characters be released? Please wait, we will release one at a time after internal tests, at a certain week of each month.
Reminder!! UI that displays stats of each character is under development so it may not be displayed. Please test Naomi’s stats yourself against your foes ^^
Simon’s suit costume effect added
It came to our mind that Simon’s costume could be improved in the look, after trying various things. Therefore we decided to add some cool effect for Simon’s suit for free! New accessory for Simon’s head will be released soon. No need to make it long, please take a look at the video below.
PVE Boss rewards unsellable -> sellable
Excuse me, I adjusted the difficulty but forgot to increase the reward, sorry about that. Thanks for your feedback. Increasing the reward to like it was too good before, may cause some problems, so I adjusted the sales price. Hope you enjoy farming MP~
This is it for today.
We will do our best to make MV more amazing. I hear lots of things about Pay 2 win; it has been about only 5 months since I started working for MV. The first thing I made was the capsule hammer system. I am constantly putting my effort for MP users. The thing that troubles me is the hacking issues. We block MP hacking but it comes back again and again every time. How can I update MP items at a situation like this? Can you do that if you were me?
This is why I ended up making Consecutive login rewards, in concern of how I should give rewards to honest players. Oh, the event hammers is the similar outcome from the concern. Coins as well!! We can’t sell coins for MP, but we give you chances by giving them out. See? It took me only 1 second to think of three things that I already developed to prevent MV becoming a pay2win game. I will try harder, that includes anti hack policy as well. Either after blocking or after implementing good policies with sanctions to stop users from using MP hacks, we will update better MP items for all of you.
Love MV like you do right now,
I promise you that I will make MV a real fun game for everyone.
Thank you for reading, I will be back again soon. Enjoy your weekends with Microvolts!
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