Hi Microvolters.
I got another post from our producer, Shin.
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Hi This is Shin again.
Before start the report for today, PLEASE READ THIS POST TILL END.
Last week, I started communicating with you.
I am truly impressed by so many of your encouragements, concerns and many brilliant ideas.
I have a small request to you. When you provide your opinion, please provide the situations as well.
For example, “I always get killed when 2 of enemies shoot me with bazooka at the same time and I feel SxxK!!”.
I am asking this because all of us have different ways of tendency.
And it is sometimes even more vary based on cultures.
FYI, I am Korean. You see? Korean plays online games as well~! Did you know this before? ?
The opinions have detailed and well explained situation have higher chance to get applied to the game.
Let’s start the report.
Please note that following contents I am introducing here may not be applied to next update.
We are working hard to test them and when I feel confident, I will release them.
But I promise you that they will be with you very soon.
“RAINBOW HAMMER” (I named it so it can be changed later)
As you know I changed the rewards of the ‘Boss battle’ monthly and I found out there are people who want to some of the previous rewards. But there are many of you who already obtained them with strong efforts. So, I made this hammer. This one is RT item (oh I am BOOOOOO – let me explain soon). However, this is a RT item without wasting money. The worst item you can get from this hammer is the Brilliant Box, 5 Coins, Rainbow Hammer (another chance), 1~20,000 MP. Try this one and get many different cool items including the previous boss battle reward. AND YOU CAN GET THIS RAINBOW HAMMER FROM SILVER HAMMER!!!!
You see? This is my way to give you MP items. Anyone play game hard can use RT items.
Basic stats for KNOX
My decision for KNOX is a tanker. +300 HP & +7% Gatling damage. Please try KNOX who has tanking play style. I guess KNOX could be a cool character for the “Capture the Battery” mode. Please note that the basic stats for characters may be changed based on your feedback.
Please don’t forget to give me your feedback regarding NAOMI!!!
Nerf Melee Weapons.
I received many of your feedbacks that the melee weapons are over powered and as myself a Microvolts player, I think you are right. So I am planning to nerf them.
New Event System
It was clear not many of you liked the current in-game event system. So I am making another one.
- Click The Event Mission Icon in the lobby.
- New Event.
- Collect item that drops when you kill your enemy.
- Mission clear when you collect enough.
- Oh, I got a mission that I completed.
- Let’s claim my reward.
- No~~~ it’s empty!!! (don’t worry there will be for you)
- There are 5 spaces for event, that mean there will be 5 events for each month.
Here is My Questions to You.
What are your favorite weapons? And why?
Which characters do you prefer? And why?
What kinds of new mode do you want in the game?
Which weapons required most urgent balancing work?
For Last, Here is a special Forum Mission from me and for you.
I am planning something super cool reward for this mission but you really need to get together to obtain this super cool reward. I am not telling you here what the reward is. I am planning something more than you can guess.
Here is your mission.
Tell your friends and clan members about my posting. Tell people who left the game and link this post to other websites, forums and blogs.
If I see 1,000 comments (hopefully your ideas and feedbacks :cool: ) on this post until next Wednesday(TDM), all of you who play Microvolts will receive my special gift.
Thanks for reading, I am looking forward to hear from all of you.
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