There was a RT Bug who doesn't bought any RT did receive 1 million of Rt......
"On May 1, 2012 after the new "Maypole Challenge Update Patch" was released all users who previously never purchased RT logged into to find 1,073,000,000 Rock Tokens in their accounts (Exact number is unknown at this time). The Rock Tokens (or RT) was unusable in the shop and seemingly unusable period, but users who attempted to spin on the Capsule Machine with this RT would see that the "Click" button turned twice before saying the user had an insufficient amount of RT to use. Despite this message, an item was still added to the user's inventory. When the user logged out of went to their inventory and back to the Capsule Machine their previous amount of one billion remained allowing them to indefinitely win rares on the Capsule Machine. 3 hours after the release of the patch Rock Hippo Productions put the servers under emergency maintenance and fixed this bug. The glitched rares were removed over the next few days using an unknown pattern found by the Technical Team.
Despite RHP's attempts to fix the first dreaded Capsule Bug, a second bug was discovered by a good many number of MicroVolts' players the right after the server was put back up after the 1 billion RT bug was fixed. Players who had exactly 1,000 RT were able to spin indefinitely on the Capsule Machine. Similar to the 1 billion RT Capsule Bug, this one provided the same message and worked the same way except no RT was deducted from the user's amount when they spun on the Capsule Machine allowing them (again) to win an indefinite amount of rares and items. This bug was fixed 3 days after it was discovered with another emergency maintenance patch on May 4, 2012. The glitched rares from that bug were then removed over the next few days.
A final maintenance to remove all previously "bugged" rares from players accounts ended very badly as some users who may or may not have bugged any rares at all whatsoever logged into find (1) or more of their ADV weapons and or legitimate Capsule rares missing. Some players even found that retired Capsule items or clothes had gone missing. Despite these events Rock Hippo Productions never urged players to contact support to regain their rares and some of the few that did were even refused resulting in many players feeling upset with the NQ games and RHP for their customer service.
Despite all some of these incidents and actions performed by users going against RHP's policy or code of conduct no users were banned from these events that took place."
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