Sunday, March 21, 2004

Stop P2W updates....

Xazeno  said:

So guys i want discuss those recently updates, what did you do in them?? you just added RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT Stuff? really? for now you should change your title game from (Free to Play) to (Pay to win) really this game became annoying update by update, what do you expect from MP players to do now?? they are playing this game because its free, but they can't have fun anymore since you added those op ~Shets~ like Military Weapons and alot more... really? Let's see the weapons:

AK-47: 4-3 shots to die really? u think MP players will like it or even who paid but they can't pay anymore, now who got this rifle just run with it and shot 3-4 shots bye bye....

Equaliser: nothing to say about that since MP Players Got AC-ME series, it doesn't make difference between this Paid Shotgun and MP AC-ME..

Dragunov: also this doesn't make problems since it's slow with reloading and zoom speed but we can't forget its upgradeable and so powerfull so simply upgrade it on zoom speed Quick Scope on legs even and you're died...

S105-Bazooka: really? u made a Bazooka similar to Zeus or Predator with this Blast Radius (390) and its upgrade able so its op more than Hermes........and that sucks...

RCBB v2.0: i don't under stand why you added this? you think we're in Arms Race?? u already added Blizzard and many people got it for 90 Days but its not op, but this bazooka.......u can explode it manual really? so let's spam in air and we get hitten, this really annoying....

S105-Sniper: are you serious with those 3 shots? its so simple miss first shot and hit the other 2 shots and you're died......what do you expect from the players who got this weapon, i will let you imagine that how you're died with this ~Shet~

S105-Grenade: simply another Zeus....

ROUG3 Armor (Set): and that's most sucks thing for now 2740+10% Bullet Protection, Huh?? how we can kill the guy with that set?? let's say this guy skilled how do you expect us to kill him, he can carry all the team with this Tank or rush on 3 players and spam spam spam byebye you're died......


Let's see what u have added for MP:

MP Capsule: didn't not get updated from many updates, and the rares in it its not op at all......

MP Hammer: CHIP Set and you need to be extremely lucky to get any of the top rares in that Hammer such as coupon, Set Parts, Bazookas, Simon default....

MP Shop: Simply NOTHING


there're many bugs have been discussed and it's not been fixed yet from few updates, but it needs to be fixed in the next update...


i think 60% of this community hacked or did some illegal stuff and u still can't stop hackers.......for me the solution is so simple just change your Game Security (X-Crap), even it needs alot of money but u will get money from the players who pays to get RT and they will pay more when they see no more hackers in this game...


do you expect that your game grow up in this way?? do you expect new players who newly joined this game to Spend RT, while they see those tons of P2W players?? they will simply leave the game and join another game, and even old players will leave it...

Keep in mind if you keep doing this your game will die soon..

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