IF the bug has already been reported please do not post the same technical problem.
20/02/2014 Update
- Weapon sounds from Simon's weapons effect every other weapon. [VIDEO]
- Computer clock sets back when starting the game. [VIDEO]
- Characters don't play vocal files when doing their character animation in lobby/ Play their animation too frequently. [VIDEO]
- Character holding Observer Sign appears to be holding melee. [IMAGE2]
- Boss Tracker Helmet wasn't implemented at all. [IMAGE]
- RT from buying Simon in character selection isn't revoked. [VIDEO]
- Selecting Simon then entering a server 'unlocks him' [VIDEO]
- Mixed up music files during game modes. [NEED VIDEO]
- Lucifer damage is flawed. [NEED IMAGE]
- Weapon only matches in clan war, zombie mode and now boss battle. [NEED IMAGES]
- Friend requests still appear in-game. [IMAGE]
- Passworded rooms are still unreachable. [IMAGE]
- Flashing accessories [VIDEO]
- Costume Capsules glitch and refrain from opening/using other items that require opening [NEED VIDEO]
- ENG Client the Z,X,C 1-9 team commands don't work, the lines don't appear nor do the characters say their vocal lines.[NEED VIDEO]
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